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HOME » 【The Multi-beam Feed System】for Multi-Sat C, Ku Band and /or C&Ku Dual Band

【The Multi-beam Feed System】for Multi-Sat C, Ku Band and /or C&Ku Dual Band



The multi-beam feed system to provide access to multiple satellites from a single antenna. Access 3 satellites over 10° of arc coverage with outstanding video response. Typical configuration may receive IS-21, IS-23, IS-34.


DH 4.5 meter PF multi-beam antenna




  • Multi-Sat performance kits designed for ease of installation & maximum flexibility
  • Feature discreet azimuth, elevation, focal length and polarization adjustments
  • Available for all commercial satellite antennas
  • Simultaneous reception of up to 5 adjacent satellites
  • Factory Pre Set & Look Angles provided to speed alignment
  • System includes support struts, feed plate assembly, feed horns and cover.


With a wide range of antenna sizes available, we can test your customer’s particular configuration.


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